2023-08-28 14:05:54
-Base on AI intelligent foreign object software recognition algorithm, with excellent software self-learning function and detection accuracy.
-It's capable in detection of foreign objects such as metal, glass, stone, bone, high-density rubber and plastic.
- High stability conveyor that can easily connect to customer's existing production line.
- There are various models to choose from, such as bulk material, defect detection, etc., which can divide the detection area in multiple channels and rejector them separately, improve the removal efficiency and reduce the production cost.
Hardware Features:
- US VJ X-ray source - Finnish DeeTee X-ray receiver
- Danish Danfoss converter - German Pfannebe industrial air conditioner
- French Schneider electric unit
- US Interoll electric roller conveying system
- Advantech industrial computer and - IEI touch screen
Electronic and Software Features:
- Excellent hardware stability based on industrial PC and PLC architecture.
- Automatic parameter setting by intelligent automatic product learning function.
- Multiple image recognition algorithms improve detection stability.
- AI intelligent foreign object software recognition, Improve image recognition sensitivity
Product Specifications: